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/ MacWorld 1997 November / Macworld (1997-11).dmg / Games World / Hot New Demos / Nuclear Hammer Demo (PPC) / NucHammerRes / NucHammerRes.adf / PICT_174.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-08-22  |  28KB  |  424x302  |  8-bit (190 colors)
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OCR: R50H11 Resupply Pod The standard Terran Federation R58H11 resupply in hostile to shield mssion-critical supplies Formed of rbon-68 pue JawRjod resins. the hat dened she!! of the RS8H11 has been tested and appr panou for USE Je3 U0 th's Toon. mars pue ne of Jupiter's TOOnS ResupplL Feder ation used usive harden pano